The candy crusade is sadly not in the cards this season.
Fans that look forward to partaking in the annual event will be sad to hear that trick-or-treating is not advised this year. Citing an inability to maintain safe social distancing and the potential for large gatherings, Los Angeles officials initially banned trick-or-treating along with other Halloween typical traditions, including haunted houses and parades. Less than a day after issuing new health guidelines for the Halloween activities, however, Los Angeles County public health officials walked back the decision to something a little less intense.
Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Wednesday that the guidelines have been “slightly revised.”
The change distinguishes between activities prohibited under the health officer order from activities that are “not recommended.”
The Department of Public Health previously said that Halloween celebratory traditions do not allow contact with household members to be minimized, therefore safer alternatives have been implemented to flatten the curve of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Part of the non-recommended events include “trunk-or-treating” in which people go from car to car to collect candy. Typically, churches or schools hold such events.
The news was not well-received by many residents. Many claimed that trick-or-treating is an outdoor activity and that candy is wrapped and packaged, allowing for easy sanitation before consumption. Residents said that simple social distancing measures could be put in place instead of banning the activity entirely.
Others have claimed the opposite; there are claims that trick-or-treating typically involves large crowds and lots of rummaging for candy. Another thing many noted is the fact that it would be especially difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors when children are trick-or-treating.
L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn said that “even a pandemic can’t cancel Halloween.”
“Be safe, practice physical distancing and get creative about how you celebrate with your kids this year,” Hahn said in a statement.