Get a jab, win a prize.
As of the beginning of this week, around 50% of the entire US population has received at least one shot of one of the three COVID-19 vaccines, with around 40% having received a second shot and become fully vaccinated. We’re making good progress, though it’s still a little iffy whether or not we’ll hit President Joe Biden’s desired goal of 70% of the population having at least one shot by July 4.
Since the beginning of the vaccination effort, multiple major companies have been offering incentives to the vaccinated to light a bit of a fire under the hesitant. These incentives have included minor things like free donuts from Krispy Kreme to more major endeavors like state-wide lotteries. The latest company with an incentive is CVS, who have decided to channel their inner afternoon game show.
Starting on June 1 and until July 10, CVS will be running the “One Step Closer” sweepstakes. Anyone who schedules to have one or both of their vaccine shots at a CVS pharmacy can enter to win one of 1,000 different prizes. They’re really pulling out the stops for these prize bundles; possible prizes include tickets to the 2022 Super Bowl, a $5,000 payout for a big post-pandemic family reunion, and even passes on a Norwegian Cruise Line.
NEWS: Starting 6/1, eligible consumers who received or plan to receive a #COVID19 vaccination through CVS can enter the #OneStepCloser sweepstakes for an opportunity to win more than 1,000 prizes:
— CVS Pharmacy (@cvspharmacy) May 27, 2021
According to CVS, the purpose of the sweepstakes is “working to close gaps in hesitancy,” which will be beneficial, as recent CDC surveys indicate at least 17% of adults aged 18 and up are hesitant to get vaccinated.
While these incentives may seem a bit silly, they are definitely working. Ohio has begun a state-wide lottery with a $1 million jackpot for vaccinated citizens, and according to local government statistics, the lottery has increased the vaccination rates in the state by an impressive 45%.